Manufactured Alienation, Lizard People, and the Rise of A.I.

A.I. as the Shadow of the Extroverted Sensate and Thinking Function

It should come as no surprise that the individuals who run the world, with figures such as Mark Zuckerberg and Elon musk (the latter who has self-proclaimed Asperger’s Syndrome) influence the world in a manner that lacks feeling in the psychoanalytical sense. It is for this reason why individuals see both of them as robotic or reptilian, a projection of the unintegrated feeling function. Whether reptilian, robot, or alien, all of these bare a similar archetypal motif of a cold, foreign, emotionless, and unrelated dangerousness, which can be seen as analogous to an extremely dominate extroverted thinking and sensation function and a lack of integration of the inferior feeling and intuition function.

It is for this reason why Elon Musk believes that A.I. can become sentient, analogous to human brain function, and why he believes he can intrude upon - and improve - humanity through direct technological manipulation in the form of neurolink. With this, the story of Frankenstein could be of great value.

Similar ideas, particularly the notion of A.G.I. [a type of artificial intelligence that matches or surpasses human capabilities], are held by the elite and those who create the platforms in which humanity primarily communicates on. However, what they neglect to realize is that A.I. and sequentially A.G.I. (which Elon Musk believes ChatGPT 4 already is, as he has filed a lawsuit against OpenA.I. on these grounds) is only a mechanical surrogate which relies primarily on something akin to extroverted sensation. In other words, A.I., which is trained purely on an input basis - creates nothing new but rather amalgamates whatever it has consumed. Thus, it becomes a distorted mirror alienated from the organic substrate of life, creating nothing organic itself, and more diabolically it becomes a cold reflection of our shadow.

Thus, the emergence of a belief in “reptilian humanoids who control the planet” or “malevolent aliens in their cold ever elusive space crafts” should come as no surprise to the psychoanalyst, for practically every aspect of human communication is written and disseminated through the filter of “autistic” [i.e. “alienated] political and technological elites who create and support the algorithms and A.I. technology which invade every facet of modern human life. 

Consequently, the West - and by extension the globalized world - a predominately thinking and sensational society, has unconsciously and diabolically manifested its own shadow outside of itself, operating in an increasingly independent manner outside of our control.

The result will be, invariably, the end of the world as we know it, and perhaps we are seeing the dawn of the “Age of Aquarius” in real time. Every aspect of human thought and collective knowledge has been put online, and tech elites are using this in order to train their A.I. systems. And, as any psychoanalyst would realize, A.I. can never truly be conscious (as consciousness requires irrationality and intuition - no A.I. would be able to do something because he "has a gut feeling" or if it's irrational, as the basis of A.I. is predicated on a Cartesian view of the purely rational mind and not the nuanced view of the psyche developed by Jung), so those who hold the keys to this system can - and will - forever alter the fabric of human society in the present and use A.I. in order to elicit social control and dominance by any means necessary, which typically comes from alienating an individual from their community and surroundings.

Those who realize this would do good to return to a more primitive mindset, returning to the organic world of reality and away from the pure shadowy façade of social media and the online space in general, only engaging with pure and strong conscious intention. The value of pen and paper will become invaluable, and physical books (particularly those published before this “Age of Aquarius") will become precious commodities, unseen and unheard from the prying eyes of humanity's monstrous technological collective shadow. These very words that I write are not safe, and I know that these words will inevitably be fed to countless machine learning algorithms, as social media outlets like Reddit are prime targets for training A.I.

Manufactured Alienation

Returning to the idea of a “manufactured alienation”, it is not inaccurate to say that much of Gen Z and Gen Alpha exhibits quasi-like autistic tendencies. From the psychoanalytic perspective, the result seems to stem from an ever increasing lack of physical relationships and an increase in online “hypersocialization”, trading the warmth, candidness, difficulty, and sometimes awkwardness that comes with genuine physical human interaction with a more cold, impersonal, and easily escapable online interaction. 

Individuals communicate through online forums or chat rooms such as Discord, adorned with their own anonymous personas; if there is any discontent or distrust in the online relationship, the problem can easily be avoided through ghosting, never confronting the individual or problem head on. (which seems to be the theme of modern man - always passing the buck). The nuances, theatrics, and joy of physical interaction ceases to be developed, and many individuals face immense anxiety with just a simple physical interaction.

Additionally, these online forums and chat boxes are forever embedded within the broader social network, integrated within the online pantheon of continuous algorithms. Thus, the individual continues to hang on by a thread, fulfilling their social needs in a shadowy, unreal way online, getting fed a poison that cures their hunger for social interaction in the short term but that will inevitably kill them and us in the process. This can lead to the quasi-like autistic tendencies (i.e. “manufactured alienation) that much of Generation Z and Alpha are experiencing. This should not be misunderstood as "social media is causing higher rates of autism" but rather that the situation elaborated above is leading to manufactured introversion in which the individual is unable to maintain social relationships due to their dependence on the internet.

The "Fursona" and the Animalistic Instinct

An interesting phenomena to note in regards to this conversation is that of the ‘furry’. It is well known that many within the furry community are diagnosed with autism and other anxiety disorders that make social situations incredibly distressful. Additionally, the furry community primarily proliferates online, through chat rooms such as Discord, where they can denounce their anxious and unacceptable ego and put on their persona, which is comically and aptly called a “fursona”. 

Anyone with an understanding of Jungian psychology would instantly recognize this as the shadow manifesting itself unconsciously. The typically shy, anxious, and sensate autistics are transformed through their fursona, where they take on the appearance of an anthropomorphic animal. The animal, of course, is understood to be the instinctual, intuitive, and social aspect of the psyche. The "fursonas", which are commonly lions, dogs, or foxes, represents the unintegrated, highly social aspect of the psyche within the individual, and being unable to integrate the "animalistic" aspect of the psyche leads to the obviously sad and bizarre phenomena of the “furry”. The animal, especially dogs which the furry community likes to use as their fursona, is also blissfully unaware, content in any situation, and free from anxiety, eagerly approaching each and every stranger for a pet. Additionally, the animal can also be understood as a symbol of sexual libido and instincts, and of course, the furry community is infamous for it’s strange and uncouth sexual acts, many of which the individual would be unable to own up to or perform without the transfiguration into their “fursona”.

The furry phenomenon (which is reminiscent of a degraded form of the symbolic rituals of African & Native Americans, who would ritualistically “become” a sacred animal through a mask and subsequent dance) is a microcosm of a much larger issue, and that is the death of community, the inability to be a social animal, the retreat into online platforms and into the seemingly safe womb of the collective devouring mothers, cutting us off from vital organic life forces which can only be felt, lived, and integrated in reality. The “safe spaces”, being told that it is ok and normal to retreat from society, that our mental ailments are fixed neurochemical deficiencies, that pornography is a healthy act, that there is nothing wrong with being a furry, and that spending the majority of our lives on platforms which allow us to sell our time for free are far from the doings of a benevolent, caring mother but more akin to that of a devouring one, and perhaps the fairytale of Hansel and Gretel would offer us much understanding into our current situation. 


Our society is dominated by the duality of the the cold, unfeeling, masculine, and extroverted thinking and sensation functions and that of the devouring, condescending, over-protective devouring feminine mother, resulting in the proliferation of “manufactured quasi-autism”, which is not an official autism diagnosis (although perhaps it can be depending on the circumstances), but rather a profound spirit of unfeelingness and unrelatedness which every individual living in the dawn of Aquarius can feel. The poets and artists of the world, the intuitive and feeling-types, can only sit back and watch in horror as their technocratic overlords desecrating the sacred act of creation and sacrilegiously violate the divine spirit of creation.

Conspiracy theories, such as reptilian people and mechanical super aliens, are unconscious projections of our collective shadow, and “flat earthers” correctly assess that as opposed to the world being a whole circle, a dynamic, 3-D mandala - where the core, the surface, and the infinite space above us invokes majesty, wonder, contemplation, and awe - the world we live in has become flat, completely alienated from the unconscious.*

Social media and A.I. will only continue to be masters of the shadow (i.e. the devil), becoming so unconscious that the only way out will either be through divine benevolence or a massive war which reshapes the world. Or, more pessimistically, we will not find a way out, and we will usher in a Brave New World in which the core of the human soul - where God dwells most abundantly - becomes completely alienated for generations until the system inevitably collapses on itself. These systems, in the present, have had the profound impact of encouraging individuals to remain at home, to conduct their social interaction online, and only to come out and play under the supervision of our technocratic overlords. 

The modern man that wants to avoid this should do his best to integrate what is good about the technological era we live in (which is increasingly scant), but also to pave his own way with the ideals of the past. Pen and paper, real books, letters instead of texts… making an effort to build a community and reach out to individuals, manifesting our own micro-communities, creating a parallel culture in which the organic ecstasy of life can be realized, where man can meet man in reality, and where we can strive to become more whole.

Note: I am not saying that the literal APA diagnosis of autism is increasing as a result of the increase of social media use. Rather, more specifically, I am saying that this phenomenon is causing an increase in social alienation, awkwardness, social anxiety, the inability to maintain relationships, and the fear of the outside world in general, which to the layman is often seen as "autistic", hence the use of the term “quasi-autistic”.

*It should be obvious that I do not think flat earthers are correct in their literal belief of a “flat world”, but that it should be understood as an unconscious psychological reaction to the spiritually dead and “flat” world in which one could easily characterize our society has become.


OCD and the Inferior Feeling Function: An Essay


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